Nadipathy - Worlds First Therapeutic Treatment An Ancient Indian Technique
Dr.Krishnam Raju is an alternative therapist and first time he discovered the ancient therapy and became the first Doctor who introduced the name Nadipathy to the world.Shri Raju is a product of ancient therapies with a name called Nadipathy. He is the recipient of many awards namely Ekaveera, DIY, Uttama Seva Puraskaram, Acu Ratna …, etcAcademic ExcellenceHe is a well qualified withM.P.Ed., N.I.S, P.G.Diploma in Yoga, B.A(Acu),M.A (Acu), B.N.Y.S, B.A.S.M, A.D. Su Jok, PhD (Nadipathy), D.Sc...Acupuncture from Beijing.SuJok from South Korea and many other practices he learned.A treatment with 0% Drugs - 0% side effects - 100% safety.Treating more than …….. And creating Records in Alternative Medicine.Environmental Friendly treatment.Nadipathy SystemNadipathy is an Ancient Indian system with traditional therapies that prevents and cures from simple ailments to chronic ailments without any medical procedures or interventions on the patient. In other words there is no intervention of prescribing any medicines.This traditional system is dated back to 60k years and has been rediscovered by Dr.Raju from India.Dr.Raju’s involvement in treating and finding the ailment is very traditional and unique.